But now I can have companion commands AND a flashlight, which is enough for me. It might also be fixed in a newer/future version of Mod Organizer. I also don't know why this is an issue with Fallout but not with Skyrim. I don't know why this was necessary with TTW but not with regular New Vegas. Making the file override priority of the mods match the load order of their plugins. Unpacking Flashlight NVSE's BSA (might not be necessary if you do my fourth step third). I had mods which were part of the Unified HUD project installed through FOMM. Moving Flaslight NVSE from FOMM to Mod Organizer. My solution was:ĭeselecting ALL BSA's which were not official New Vegas files under the "Archives" tab. The source of the problem seems to be in Mod Organizer v1.1.2's handling of Fallout BSA's. This was confusing as because FNVEdit didn't show any conflicts among them.

Deactivating one of them solved the problem. The particular combination of mods was TTWInteriors and/or JIP Companions Command & Control plus any of the following: Interior Lighting Overhaul, Flashlight NVSE, and Vault 22 Flora Overhaul. "What normally happens at this point is that, after the "loading game" window disappears, a little black window appears in the upper left corner of my monitor, expands to full-screen, and then the Copyrights/Bethesda/Obsidian/Please Stand By -> Main Menu slideshow happens." (this was going to be a post asking for help) At that same moment, FalloutNV.exe disappears from the Task Manager. "If using particular combinations of mods, when I run the exe (through FNV4GB), a little window which says "Loading Game" and contains a green progress bar pops up in the middle of my monitor, and then it vanishes once the bar gets about 1/4 of the way across.

I want to make sure to share my experience for anyone who might be having the same sort of problem. I've just spent a few hours hunting down the cause of a crash in my TTW profile in Mod Organizer.